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【Gynecological endoscopy】Application of hysteroscopy in the field of gynecology

Released on Jan. 17, 2022

Application of hysteroscopy in gynecological diagnosis

1. Diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding

During hysteroscopy, abnormal uterine bleeding accounts for more than 3/4 of the patients examined. Heavy menstrual flow, frequent, frequent periods, irregular uterine bleeding, and postmenopausal bleeding. The role of hysteroscopy in gynecological diagnosis and treatment will be more and more recognized by people.

2. Diagnosis of uterine adhesions

Mutual adhesion of the muscle wall caused by endometrial damage caused by various reasons, resulting in symptoms such as colic, amenorrhea, low menstrual flow, miscarriage or infertility. The location and extent of adhesions can be checked under hysteroscopy.

3. IUD positioning and removal

With the development of science and technology, there are more and more shapes of IUD, and there are also broken segments and residues during removal, which can be positioned and removed by hysteroscopy.

4. Evaluation of abnormal uterine echoes and space-occupying lesions on ultrasonography

Pregnancy residual products, tumors, fetal bone fragments, IUD segments, silk knots, fallopian tube stents, etc. can all be diagnosed and removed under hysteroscopy.

5. Assess for abnormal HSC

The evaluation of the uterine cavity, which used to be based on HSC, is now based on the use of hysteroscopy to evaluate uterine abnormalities (endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, intrauterine adhesions), uterine malformations (partial or complete mediastinum, unicornuate uterus, etc.), If the fallopian tubes are blocked, check the intrauterine cause of unexplained infertility.

Application of hysteroscopy in gynecological treatment

The development of hysteroscopic surgery means a revolution in obstetrics and gynecology. Hysteroscopy has developed from simple diagnosis to treat abnormal uterine bleeding caused by various reasons, avoiding laparotomy, and has the advantages of less trauma, no incision, less bleeding, and faster recovery. It also changed the concept that "hysteroscopy can only be checked but not treated".

1. Endometrial polyps: excised from the root of the polyp with a ring electrode or needle electrode, which can be excised in whole or in pieces.

2. Uterine submucosal fibroids: hysteroscopic resection of uterine myalgia is less traumatic, does not change the anatomical structure, and preserves the uterus. The postoperative recovery is quick, and the hospitalization period and treatment costs are shortened. It is suitable for type I (with peduncles), type II (75% convex to the uterine cavity), and submucosal fibroids with good results.

3. Separation of intrauterine adhesions: After the hysteroscope is positioned, it can be separated under direct vision, and the muscle fibers and connective tissue adhesions are cut by electricity. The treatment standard is that the entire uterus returns to normal size and shape, and the opening of the fallopian tube is clearly displayed.

4. Uterine septate resection: Uterine septate malformation can easily lead to miscarriage in early or mid-term pregnancy, and can also cause infertility. The popularization and application of hysteroscopy has made a qualitative leap in the operation of removing the uterine septum, without incision of the uterus, leaving no scars on the uterine wall, and vaginal delivery after pregnancy, improving the postoperative pregnancy rate and natural delivery rate. The method is to use a single-stage electrode to remove the uterine septum, laser surgery, etc