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Common faults and troubleshooting methods of endoscope monitors

Released on Dec. 29, 2020

After a long time use of any equipment, there will be various problems of various sizes. The problem must be found first to better solve it. In the process of long-term use of the endoscope monitor, various problems will also occur. We introduce the common faults and troubleshooting methods of endoscope monitors.

1. No image on the monitor

cause of issue:

a. The monitor image transmission channel setting is incorrect;

b. The connection is loose;

Method of exclusion

a. Set the correct image output channel on the monitor;

b. Re-plug the monitor and host connection, and fix it.

2. Image color cast

When the color of the scene cannot be restored after the white balance and excluding the influence of other supporting equipment, we believe that it may be caused by wire aging signal transmission defects, or it may be the aging and deterioration of the camera circuit components, or it may be caused by the aging of the camera. At this time, we only need to replace the corresponding accessories of the endoscope monitor.

3. The image has interference

Generally, it is caused by interference to the line when using high-frequency equipment such as electric knife. At this time, we need to check whether the camera is connected to the shielded wire in the connection; there is also a case when the high-frequency equipment is not used. Interference streaks appear. At this time, the shielding layer of the connecting wire signal wire is worn out due to long-term use. It needs to be seen whether the connection of the camera is defective or the entire wire body is aging. The former needs to be re-soldered, while the latter needs to be replaced. During the use of the endoscope monitor, try to avoid the wire being run over by the instrument cart or surgical cart on the ground.

The above briefly introduces the common faults and troubleshooting methods of endoscope monitors. If there is a problem with the machine, it will not be solved by yourself. It is best to find the manufacturer and do not remove it by yourself, so as not to cause greater problems.