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What items need to be done for cervical cancer screening?

Released on Jun. 18, 2021

Recently, customers often consult electronic colposcopy, which is mainly used for cervical cancer screening. Women’s health is getting more and more attention. Electronic colposcopy is one of the equipment for cervical cancer screening. Electronic colposcopy can treat the cervix and vaginal mucosa. Magnify 5-40 times, observe the lesions on the surface of the cervix and in the vagina that are not visible to the naked eye, such as the changes in capillaries that reflect the growth of tumors, etc., it has a certain degree of early detection and early diagnosis of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. value. So what items do cervical cancer screening need to do? Let's learn about it with the editor.

Cervical cancer screening is very important for female friends to prevent cervical cancer. The earlier the cancer is detected, the higher the cure rate in the later period. Now more and more cities have set up cervical cancer screening points to help female friends find problems earlier. . Items to be done for cervical cancer screening:

1. Pap smear cytology or TCT examination. It is the primary and most important method of cervical cancer screening. Generally, samples are scraped from the cervical transformation area and sent to the laboratory for cytological testing.

3. Electronic colposcopy. In the case of abnormalities detected by TCT, that is, Pap grade Ⅲ or above in Pap smear cytology and TBS indicates squamous intraepithelial neoplasia, the suspicious cancerous area should be selected for cervical cancer under electronic colposcopy observation. Biopsy.

2. Cervical iodine test. Because under normal conditions, the squamous epithelium of the cervix and vagina is rich in glycogen, brown or dark brown changes will appear after the iodine solution is applied. If there is no change in color after the application, the non-stained area indicates that the epithelium does not contain Glycogen is an abnormal phenomenon and may become cancerous. It is necessary to sample a biopsy in the iodine-unstained area for further diagnosis.

4. Biopsy of the cervix and cervical canal. This is the most reliable basis for the diagnosis of cervical cancer and cervical precancerous lesions. The tissues taken should include interstitial and adjacent normal tissues. If the cervical scrape is positive, but the cervix is smooth or the cervical biopsy is negative, a small amount should be used in this case. The curette is used to scrape the cervical canal, and the scraped material is sent to the laboratory for pathological examination.

5. Cervical conization. This is when the cervical smear is positive for several tests but the cervical biopsy is negative, or when the cervical biopsy is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and needs to be excluded from invasive cancer, the cervical conization is performed on the cervix and then sent for pathological examination. Check the room to determine if there is cancer.

The symptoms of pre-cervical cancer are mostly irregular bleeding in the vagina, such as bleeding after the life of a husband and wife, and some unidentified secretions increase, and some patients will have stomach pains. The situation must arouse vigilance.

 Electronic colposcopy